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Topic: Need help with TVs on 20 Anthem (Read 4074 times) previous topic - next topic
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Need help with TVs on 20 Anthem

Just picked up a 20 Anthem and cannot get the TVs hooked to DTV through the Matrix system. The main Tv will work but not the other 3. Help?

Re: Need help with TVs on 20 Anthem

Reply #1
Some dealers bypass the matrix system and connect directly to the tv.
20 Anthem 44F
19 Ram
Cape Cod MA
Bailey and BUSTAH our Boston Terriers

Re: Need help with TVs on 20 Anthem

Reply #2
You need to make sure all of the TV are on HDMI-1.  Then you need to cycle each matrix to select what source you want for that TV

Re: Need help with TVs on 20 Anthem

Reply #3
I have triple checked with still no success. Going back to the dealership and see if they can fix the issue. Thanks

Re: Need help with TVs on 20 Anthem

Reply #4
There should be a white panel need the main TV - the Blue player is connected to one / other should connect to the DTV box -

 Should say input to the matrix - can post a pic of the panel 

Re: Need help with TVs on 20 Anthem

Reply #5
Please post a pic. The only way I can get them to work on SAT is to run a cable from the DTV box on the left side to the Matrix box on the right side. Maybe I am missing something.