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Topic: Length of time for coach delivery (Read 3825 times) previous topic - next topic
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Length of time for coach delivery

I have had a Vision 27A on order for 3 months, still no build date. Anybody have any idea on how far the factory is backed up? Thanks for any input.......

Re: Length of time for coach delivery

Reply #1
I ordered on July, only get it built and deliver to dealer 11/03,  ;)

Re: Length of time for coach delivery

Reply #2
Just ordered a new F150 and that will take 3 months, so some of the Entegra delay maybe getting F53 chassis from ford.  Plus the RV demand is way up Surge In RV Shipments Projected Through 2021 | RVIA
The new projection sees total shipments ranging between 414,200 and 434,500 units with the most likely 2020 year-end total being 424,400 units. That total would represent a 4.5 percent gain over the 406,070 units shipped in 2019, overcoming a nearly two-month RV industry shutdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Initial estimates for 2021 have a range of 494,400 to 519,900 units with a most likely outcome of 507,200 units, a 19.5 percent increase over 2020.

If you thought rv parks were crowded and expensive already then hold on tight, its going to be crazy come spring.

Re: Length of time for coach delivery

Reply #3
Ordered our new Entegra Odessey 24B in mid July here in Oregon.  Took delivery on Friday, November 13th.  I am told wait times are lengthening.

Re: Length of time for coach delivery

Reply #4
Welcome, we also have a 24B, got it about 6 weeks ago. I would be interested in hearing about any problems or little things that need fixed on it. Also if you might have any questions on how anything works on it maybe I could be of some help. Thanks, Cliff
Cliff Odyssey 24B

Re: Length of time for coach delivery

Reply #5
We ordered a 2021 Reatta back on 6/15 and took deliveried on 11/13/20