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Topic: Using a LLC in Montana (Read 5043 times) previous topic - next topic
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Using a LLC in Montana

How has using a LLC in Montana worked out for any of you folks.....

Re: Using a LLC in Montana

Reply #1
I looked in to this at one point and decided against it as based on my circumstances and discussions with a Montana LLC Attorney. 
I do have several friends who have done this w/o any problem to date.

I believe if you full time there are fewer potential issues. If however you have a sticks and bricks home then it may cause a problem given the right set of circumstances (you home state, tow car plates, drivers license, etc)

Note I'm not giving any legal advice as issues like this are far more complex than can competently be dealt with in this manner.  In discussion like this it is very difficult to have all the facts (and many of the facts are confidential anyway) and also difficult for you to know the credentials of those giving the "advice".

There are many attorneys offering LLC Montana services, I'd just contact one and describe your circumstances and see what advice they provide.  Saving ~$40K,  more or less, is quite the sum of money.

Re: Using a LLC in Montana

Reply #2
I would just add - the attorneys preparing the Montana LLC are generally only able to practice in Montana and make their $ by preparing these LLCs.  They won't represent you if your state were to discover the "discrepancy" between your domicile/license/etc. and the MH registration - you're on your own with that one.

If you have a legit reason for a Montana LLC and maintain documentation of such it can save money, but if you are in the "do you feel lucky, punk?" situation and are rolling the dice that your real home state won't notice, the resulting fees and fines will well dwarf any savings in taxes.  Heck, it could even be as simple as a neighbor who doesn't care for your MH reporting you to the local tax assessor/collector...

Re: Using a LLC in Montana

Reply #3
There is a new twist to the Montana LLC usage.  Starting the first of next year Montana will levy an annual fee of $825 on ever LLC which owns a vehicle with an MSRP of more than $300,000.  That fee will run for ten years.  Every Entegra that I know of has an MSRP of more than $300,000 so much of the benefit of the Montana LLC is gone now.

Re: Using a LLC in Montana

Reply #4
There is a new twist to the Montana LLC usage.  Starting the first of next year Montana will levy an annual fee of $825 on ever LLC which owns a vehicle with an MSRP of more than $300,000.  That fee will run for ten years.  Every Entegra that I know of has an MSRP of more than $300,000 so much of the benefit of the Montana LLC is gone now.
WOW, that is a very interesting update for sure, great information.  I wonder if we will start seeing more South Dakota plates now :P

Re: Using a LLC in Montana

Reply #5
WOW, that is a very interesting update for sure, great information.  I wonder if we will start seeing more South Dakota plates now :P

Actually Florida has a unique and legal way to avoid paying the sales tax.  If you are a Florida resident and you buy the rig and keep it outside of Florida for six months or more you do not have to pay the Florida sales tax.  I would think that quirk would work for many who own rigs and use Florida for their residence or at least for their RV residence.