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Topic: Entegra Quality Issues (Read 6506 times) previous topic - next topic
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Entegra Quality Issues


We purchased a new 2013 Entegra Aspire after touring both the Entegra and Newmar factories and truly believed we purchased an excellent quality coach. However, it has spent most of the past 18 months in for service. This is our 3rd Class A so we expected several "bugs" to work out but our list of problems has been extensive. I'm interested in finding out whether other Entegra owners have experienced this and more importantly, whether we can eventually expect to take a trip without needing to get service done. We are wondering whether we should cut our losses and try Newmar but if this is typical, we don't want to start over again with breaking in a new coach. Any insights would be greatly appreciated!

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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Re: Entegra Quality Issues

Reply #1
I'm a bit confused.  You purchased a new 2013 Aspire is what you posted.  If you have had it for five years I would expect problems but is the 2013 a misprint?

Re: Entegra Quality Issues

Reply #2
Entegra did have some pervasive quality issues during 2013 which they resolved in subsequent years.  But to my knowledge they were mostly initial quality issues and not ones that lingered for years. 

What kind of problems are you still having on a 2013?