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Topic: Entegra Emblem 2019. How do empty passenger side toilet. There is a valve on pas (Read 3543 times) previous topic - next topic
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Entegra Emblem 2019. How do empty passenger side toilet. There is a valve on pas

I have a 2019 Entegra Emblem.. there are 2 toilets on the RV. i dont know how to properly drain the black water tank on pass side... it has a pull cable on the pass. Side.
Im learning to use the masterator syst.
Need help
Does not show right tank in operaters manual.
James Adkerson

Re: Entegra Emblem 2019. How do empty passenger side toilet. There is a valve on pas

Reply #1
Can't answer but will be picking ours up next week.  Can you share your experiences todate?  pros and cons of the Emblem?