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Topic: Samsung Microwave (Read 2981 times) previous topic - next topic
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Samsung Microwave

Hi all,
New member here. I have a 2014 Anthem, we are plugged into 30 amp power next to our house, living in the motorhome while we sell our house. Trying to use the Samsung Microwave and at 100% power, it just shuts off and I have to reset the breaker in the motorhome. Resetting the breaker and then setting the time, now the time display does not even show.

This coach doesn't seem to like being on 30 amp power, I have a 50-30 amp adapter. The surge protector does not show any errors either.

Anyone out there have any ideas?

Oh, and the big TV picture is so dim you can barely see it. Samsung says that 4 years is a typical life span for these. Not so sure about these Samsung brands...

Dean Johnson
Dean & Anita Johnson
2014 Entegra Anthem
2016 Lincoln MKX toad

Re: Samsung Microwave

Reply #1
Did you have the Air Conditioners on at the same time?  30 amp isn't very much power, and you may not be actually getting full 30 amp to the coach.  Additionally the length of power cords to the coach and  so on....
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