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Topic: LP Aqua Hot (Read 5341 times) previous topic - next topic
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LP Aqua Hot

I had a Diesel Aqua Hot on last coach and would run the burner at least once a month to keep Nozzle clear and also to "exercise" the Aqua Hot; with the LP Aqua Hot do you operate it at least once a month or only when you need it??

Re: LP Aqua Hot

Reply #1
We were just at an Aquahot seminar at the FMCA rally. They said there is no need to run a propane Aquahot periodically or service annually. “Just call us when it breaks” was the quote.
2019 Insignia 37MB
2017 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk
Blue Ox / Brakemaster

Re: LP Aqua Hot

Reply #2
I have had several aqua hot but have all been Desiel. Looking at a insignia and it has a lp fired. How do they work and why do they use lp instead of Desiel