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Topic: Vegatouch control of Aqua Hot and Heat Pump Settings (Read 3793 times) previous topic - next topic
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Vegatouch control of Aqua Hot and Heat Pump Settings

We set the controls to use only the heat pump in mild winter conditions.  For the Aqua Hot we set the diesel to off and the electric on to save on our diesel fuel.  I understand that the Aqua Hot will come on if the difference in the temperature setting is a few degrees above what is being requested.  However, with only one or two degrees difference the Aqua Hot is coming on and depleting our hot water.  Is this a problem with Vegatouch or with my Aqua Hot controller?

Anyone with experience on this issue?

Re: Vegatouch control of Aqua Hot and Heat Pump Settings

Reply #1
If the heat pumps can't keep up with the demand, which I think is based on the outdoor temperature of around 30F, it will automatically change over to furnace (aqua hot) and use that for heat.  How mild of an outdoor temperature are you experiencing?

Re: Vegatouch control of Aqua Hot and Heat Pump Settings

Reply #2
Thanks for the reply.  I am talking about the 50's and 60's.  If I get below 40 degrees, I would turn on the diesel.

Re: Vegatouch control of Aqua Hot and Heat Pump Settings

Reply #3
I was told by a service representative at NIRVC Lewisville, TX that the only work around was to run the Heat Pump fan on LOW.  I replied that this was a unacceptable solution.  He said to work through Entegra customer service for a solution.

My proposal:
1) Vegatouch should not override customer's settings unless there is at least 5 degrees difference between customer's settings and the demand temperature.
2) This means that if the customer has asked for 70 degrees and the actual temperature  is 65 degrees or less, then the Vegatouch system should not switch source from Heat Pump to Aqua Hot.

I encourage other owners to do the same.