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Topic: 2021 Odyssey 25R - Propane valve/system, on/off? (Read 3178 times) previous topic - next topic
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2021 Odyssey 25R - Propane valve/system, on/off?

We are new to the RV world and just took delivery of our 2021 Entegra Odyssey 25R.  We completed a quick weekend trip and came back with a lot of questions (but had a lot of fun and mostly we think we did things correctly, mostly!).  Not sure if the Propane system changed from previous year's models so hoping someone can help even if they own a previous year's edition.  The propane compartment (internal tank) has a fill valve (for professional filling and is covered) and a single dial.  That dial we did not touch and our propane seems to work totally fine (RV Fridge, external grill, kitchen stove, etc. all worked ok).  Question is... is that an on/off valve like a regular propane tank at home and if so, was it just ON (turned all the way left/counter clockwise when I checked) and stays on 24x7 OR is it maybe something you adjust when refilling by the professionals? Unfortunately there is nothing in the manual (which is the 2020 Model year manual) that references this, only how to use the propane appliances OR if you have external trailer tanks, to use the regular as well as turn them on/off but a different system.
Any explanation would be greatly appreciated!

Re: 2021 Odyssey 25R - Propane valve/system, on/off?

Reply #1
Question is... is that an on/off valve like a regular propane tank at home and if so, was it just ON (turned all the way left/counter clockwise when I checked) and stays on 24x7 OR is it maybe something you adjust when refilling by the professionals? Unfortunately there is nothing in the manual (which is the 2020 Model year manual) that references this, only how to use the propane appliances OR if you have external trailer tanks, to use the regular as well as turn them on/off but a different system.
I don't have an Odyssey, but every RV that I have owned with a propane tank, that valve is simply the on / off.  Its no different from the one on a BBQ.

I always opted to turn the valve off when my RV was in storage. 

You may also find in your travels that some tunnels will require you to turn off the propane when you go through them, others will not (I depends on how the tunnel ventilation was designed and propane being heavier than air) so its good to know how to turn it off.

Re: 2021 Odyssey 25R - Propane valve/system, on/off?

Reply #2
What @SpudsRv said is what I've found to be true.